Cortina Weather Station in Far Cry 6 (FarCry6).

Cortina Weather Station is a Military Base in Far Cry 6.



  • 300 XP




Main objective[edit]

  • Clearing the Weather station can be done a number of ways, most will involve sneaking through using opening in the fencing or the dirt road literally running through a section of the station.
  • But it's time for a simple approach for clearing the area.
  • Start by heading for the large tower with the sphere on top.
  • Go to the base and use the ladder inside to climb to the top.
  • Getting there, sneak around it to find the Sniper up here to just make things easier here.
  • From there, either use a Sniper or Zipline over to the rooftop of the main building.
  • After that, move to the Edge of the rooptop to search and find the soldier along the fencing here.
  • Pick them off then turn toward the helipad and look for the Officer nearby it.
  • Get them with a Sniper/Arrow as well.
  • On the rooftop, head over to the far right-hand side and then pick off the Soldier nearby the building nearby the entrance gate.
  • Now, look to the road section of the base.
  • Go across the road, staying on the right-hand side of the road.
  • Here, go into the bunker entrance, take the ladder down and get down into the underground area.
  • Follow the corridor forward and to the left.
  • In the large room after that, go over to the right and exit this room through the back door.
  • Take the stairs down and head through the door here to reach a shaft.
  • Climb the ladder here to get back up to the ground level.
  • Go through the door at the top and turn to the right.
  • Search this room for a Medic.
  • Take them down then there are 3 Guards left in the compound.
  • They are scattered around the outside of the base, so you need to search to find them.

Secondary objective - Download the Intel[edit]

  • This can be an easy secondary objective to complete, if you know where to look.
  • Clear out most of the guards to begi.
  • After that, head to the Central Southern side of the base.
  • Head into the building using the door next to the short ladder leading up to the rooftop of this building.
  • Inside this building, head over to the left and then go to the right-hand table.
  • Sitting on this table you can find the computer which will let you start the download for the information that Libertad is after.
  • Clear out the Medic nearby if you didn't get them early.
  • Just wait inside this room otherwise to avoid being detected while the intel downloads.

Video Walkthrough[edit]

[ Cortina Weather Station Video Walkthrough]