Destroy the Modified Tobacco fields 0/8 is an objective in Far Cry 6 (FarCry6).

Destroy the Modified Tobacco fields 0/8 is an objective in the Story Mission, Justicia Montero in Far Cry 6


  • You are at the Martinez Airstrip, so go forward to the airplane in front of you: 1946 Adjudicor LA-240 NPLM.
  • Go around to the front of the plane and climb up onto the wing to get into the cockpit.
  • After that, take off.
  • Head out to the East and go over to the Tobacco Field nearby the airstrip.
  • Getting close to the fields (about 500 meters out) switch to Bomber View.
  • Now, use the bumpers (RB/LB or L1/R1) to gently move left or right.
  • Line up your targeting reticule with each of the marked fields and then start your bombing run.
  • Sweep across the fields and blow them up.
  • After that, go to the Northwest to find the last of the fields which are just up the hill.
  • Blow up the fields here, slowing down if needed, to complete all the damage you need to do.
