Osiris: New Dawn

Here are some tips for Osiris: New Dawn.

(Credit: Some of these tips were taken from /u/mr_funk on reddit)

  • 'L' activates your flashlight. There is a tooltip for this but it didn't pop up for me until a couple hours after everything was pitch black.
  • Your sprint speed is higher if you don't have a weapon out. Tools are fine.
  • AIR SPRINT. If your item is holstered and you use the jet pack it becomes an air sprint. recommend way to travel.
  • There appear to be at least two starting points. The one at 18 -22 is SIGNIFICANTLY closer to starting resources than the other one.
  • 'E' sheathes/unsheathes your equipped item.
  • The droid can be issued several commands as long as your multi-tool isn't out. He can guard, mine, or repair. You must build a depository for him to have the mine option.
  • There is no deconstruct confirmation, so be super careful with that multitool. Just destroyed my first habitat right after building because I accidentally hit E.
  • Crank the Player XP Modifier and Points Per Level to max. The current exp curve is super broken. Under the default settings you get 1xp per alien kill and it takes about 1800exp to get to level 2. You do the math.
  • If the screen starts to shake, run. It doesn't matter where. Just run.
  • Try to just the jump boost as much as possible. You don't lose oxygen as quickly as you would sprinting, and you go much faster.
  • if you set the bot to flank, you no longer have any options to get him to do anything else, he just keeps moving away from you as you run towards him, also if you point at somewhere to mine for you he just mines a bit then heads back to camp: Hit 'C' to exit flank mode. There's a little message above the inventory box that's hard to see.