Mining Simulator by Rumble Studios

Mining Simulator is a game in Roblox where you can mine precious metals.


Backpack Price Description Storage Efficiency Mining power-icon (Storage/Price) Zone
Small Backpack Free The most simple backpack. 10 ∞ (10) Earth
Rumble Pack Group Only Join Runway Rumble to unlock this! 150 ∞ (150) Earth
Backpack 45 A simple backpack. 25 55.5% (5/9) Earth
Large Backpack 350 An average backpack. 50 14.3% (1/7) Earth
Potatosack 1,200 Good for storing rocks and potatos! 145 12.1%(29/240) Earth
Military Pack 3,500 Store your material in this huge bag. 300 8.5% (3/35) Earth
Ruck Sack 5,000 Store your material in this huge bag. 550 11% (11/100) Earth
Suitcase 7,500 Mine in style. 750 10% (1/10) Earth
Duffel Bag 15,000 Because this was a good idea for a backpack. 1,250 8.3% (1/12) Earth
Travel Pack 25,000 Store your material in this huge bag. 2,000 8% (2/25) Earth
Small Canister 35,000 A Small Canister to store your material. 2,500 7.2% (1/14) Earth
Medium Canister 72,000 A Medium Canister to store your material. 4,000 5.5% (1/18) Earth
Large Canister 150,000 A Large Canister to store your material. 6,000 4% (1/25) Earth
Cylinder Pack 200,000 Store your material in this huge bag. 8,500 4.3% (17/400) Earth
Wooden Bucket 260,000 Store your material in this huge bag. 10,000 3.8% (1/26) Earth
Small Barrel 300,000 Small barrel to keep your material safe. 12,500 4.1% (1/24) Earth
Medium Barrel 375,000 Average-Sized barrel to keep your material safe. 15,000 4.4% (2/45) Earth
Large Barrel 450,000 Donkey Kong approved. 25,000 5.5% (1/18) Earth
Small Vault 700,000 Small vault to keep your material safe. 35,000 5% (1/20) Earth
Medium Vault 1,200,000 Average-Sized vault to keep your material safe. 50,000 4.1% (1/24) Earth
Large Vault 1,800,000 Huge vault to keep your material safe. 75,000 4.1% (1/24) Earth
Magical Bucket 2,400,000 Woah-oh-oh it's magic... you know-oh-oh. Never believe it's not so. 100,000 4.1% (1/24) Earth
More Magical Magical Bucket 5,500,000 The developer was too lazy, so he just copy and pasted me, giving me more storage space. 350,000 6.3% (7/110) Earth
Hexa Pack 8,000,000 Store your material in this huge bag. 500,000 6.3% (1/16) Earth
Deluxo 3000 17,000,000 Store your material in this huge bag. 1,000,000 6.2% (1/17) Earth
Ultra Hexa Pack 29,000,000 Store your material in this huge bag. 2,500,000 8.6% (5/58) Earth
Quantum Backpack 800 Robux Specially created by scientists, this backpack will never fill up. All
Bread Pack 40,000,000 Store your material in this huge bag. 3,000,000 7.5% (3/40) Food
Bone Barrel 65,000,000 Store your material in this huge bag. 5,000,000 7.7% (1/3) Dino
Scuba Tank 20,000,000 Store your material in this huge bag. 1,500,000 7.5% (3/40) Atlantis
Dual Scuba Tank 75,000,000 Store your material in this huge bag. 8,000,000 8/75 (11%) Atlantis
Beachball Pack 40,000,000 Store your material in this huge bag. 2,500,000 6.3% (1/16) Beach
Water Jug 100,000,000 Store your material in this huge bag. 11,000,000 11% (11/100) Beach
Crystal Bucket 35,000,000 Store your material in this huge bag. 20,000,000 57% (4/7) Crystal
Galactic Bucket 1,500 Rebirth tokens Discovered in the outer reaches of our galaxy 1,000,000 - Rebirth
Inferno Pack 2,500 Rebirth tokens Some say this is crafted from pure lava 2,000,000 - Rebirth
Deluxo 6000 5,000 Rebirth tokens This pack was engineered by Sir Isaac Newton himself 6,500,000 - Rebirth
Golden Tank 7,500 Rebirth tokens Solid gold 10,000,000 - Rebirth
Phantom Backpack 15,000 Rebirth tokens (None) 20,000,000 - Rebirth
Toxic Pack 22,500 Rebirth tokens (None) 35,000,000 - Rebirth