The Theater in WatchDogs 2

The Theater is a World Location in San Francisco in Watch Dogs 2.


The Theater is one of Oakland's oldest still existing movie palaces, recently renamed to its new, simple moniker in a local fan contest. Second place was "Theater McTheaterface."





Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • There is a hidden gnome in the aqueduct that runs beneath The Theater.
  • There is research on the roof of The Theater. Go around the building to the south side of it, then climb to the roof's lower level. Use RC Jumper and deploy it to the air ducts and use it to hack the CCT, which will open the locked gate. Go through gate and climb the ladders. Get to the front of the building and find the window washer lift. Gain control of it and use it to ride to the top of the roof and get the research point.