The Sniper is one of the classes in XCOM Enemy Unknown.


The Sniper's main job is to provide cover for the team from afar, which focuses primarily on high value targets. The Sniper is powerful enough to eliminate many enemies in one shot, and those it can't kill right away will at least suffer a huge hit. However, the Sniper has one fatal flaw; it can't move and shoot on the same turn, at least not as it originally stands.

You can spec your Sniper in one of two directions. You can mobilize the Sniper so that it can, in fact, shoot and move on the same turn, or you can spec it so that the Sniper stays put and focuses on big, powerful shots. This has the disadvantage of making the Sniper somewhat immobile, but it'll whack almost anything in one shot. You'll have to get a bit creative when using the Sniper, but with solid planning and consistent speccing you can get the job done.

Endgame Skills[edit]

- Double Tap: This move allows the Sniper to use his first action for shooting instead of moving. This can allow the Sniper to actually fire twice in the same turn.

- In the Zone: This move allows the Sniper to sustain fire as long as he continues to kill exposed targets. Hypothetically speaking, this allows the Sniper to kill an infinite number of targets each turn, as long as the shots keep connecting. In practice, this move is limited to targets visible to the Sniper.


- Headshot: Squaddie: Fires a shot with +30% chance to crit and extra damage on crits, with the damage being based on the tech level of the sniper rifle. Has a 2 turn cooldown

- Snap Shot: Corporal: Removes the sniper rifle's restriction on firing and Overwatch after moving. Any shots taken suffer a -20 Aim penalty

- Squadsight: Corporal: Allows firing at targets in an ally's line of sight

- Gunslinger: Sergeant: Confers +2 bonus damage to pistols

- Damn Good Ground: Sergeant: Confers +10 aim and +10 defense against enemeis on a lower elevation, on top of the normal elevation bonuses

- Disabling Shot: Lieutenant: Allows the Sniper to fire off a shot that causes the target's main weapon to malfunction and stop working. The target can, however, Reload to fix the gun. 2 turn cooldown

- Battle Scanner: Lieutenant: Thrown item that scans the area, allowing the Sniper to see what the Scanner sees for 2 turns

- Executioner: Captain: Confers +10 aim bonus against targets with less than half health

- Opportunist: Captain: Removes the aim penalty from reaction shots and allows reaction shots to cause crits

- Low Profile: Major: Turns partial cover into full cover

- In The Zone: Colonel (Covered above)

- Double Tap: Colonel (Covered above)