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[[Category: Batman Arkham Origins Moves]]
[[Category: Batman Arkham Origins Gameplay Mechanics]]

Latest revision as of 18:05, 24 October 2013

Combat in Batman:AO

To survive the night, Batman must utilize all of his training and keen instincts to disable his foes.

Countering Attacks[edit]

When an enemy is about to attack Batman, a lightning bolt icon appears above their head. Before the icon disappears, you have a chance to counter the attack


Batman is able to stun an enemy. In their confusion, Batman can land a beatdown attack, aerial attack, or make a quick getaway using the grapnel gun. Some enemies must be stunned before they can be attacked.


Batman can leap over enemies or dive away from attacks


String together strikes, counters, gadgets, stuns, and evasive moves without taking or missing a hit to create a combo. Combos multiply the amount of XP Batman receives from a fight. The current multiplier is displayed under Batman’s health bar. If Batman is attacked or takes too long to land the next hit, then the multiplier ends.

Detective Vision[edit]

Tap X to activate Detective Vision at any time. Detective Vision gives Batman an alternate view of his surroundings, enabling him to spot enemies, hiding spots, and structural weaknesses in the environment.

Hiding spots, such as gargoyles and grates, and other objects of interest, like security cameras and doors, appear orange in color. Enemies with weapons also appear orange, while unarmed enemies are blue. Structurally unsound walls that Batman can break through or destroy appear translucent, with an “explosion” icon superimposed over them. While using Detective Vision, Batman also receives tactical information on enemies and objects, such as what weapons or equipment an enemy has or the specific function of a control panel, such as security systems or door locks.

Invisible Predator[edit]

During his time away from Gotham, Batman trained to become an expert at hunting from the shadows and striking fear into the minds of his enemies. Tonight, those techniques and tools will be put to the test.

Vantage Points[edit]

The gargoyles keeping watch over Gotham make the perfect spot for Batman to avoid detection and survey his enemies. Combined with Detective Vision, crouching on a vantage point provides an excellent opportunity to plan the best way to take out foes.

WARNING: Some enemies are equipped with thermal scanners that can detect Batman’s presence on a vantage point.