Corrosive Teapot is a rare pistol in Borderlands 2

Corrosive Teapot is a blue unique Pistol in Borderlands 2

You get it from Tiny Tina

Stats for sample level 50 Teapot Pistol below. You could get a different Teapot Gun based on your level. There are also different variations such as the Tactical Teapot

Main Attributes

Rarity: Blue (Rare)

Type: Pistol

Level Requirement: 50

Manufacturer: Dahl

Value: $6,033

Weapon Stats

Damage: 6100

Accuracy: 94.7

Fire Rate: 9.6

Reload Speed: 1.9

Magazine Size: 12

Corrosive Dmg/Sec: 7211.8

Chance to Corrode: 9.2%

Status Effects and Other Bonuses

"Havin' a tea partay drinkin' mah Teeea!" (red text effect)

Highly Effective Vs Armor