Find the Assassin in AC4 Black Flag

"Find the Assassin" is a mission objective in Sequence 1/Memory 01, Edward Kenway


Your goal is to find the assassin Duncan Walpole who is running away from you

You will find him as you progress through the Viewpoints

Viewpoints are high vantage points which allow you to see the whole area around you as well as reveal collectibles and points of interest on your map

Viewpoints can be recognized by the eagle icon in the radar and on the map. There is also an actual eagle sitting on each viewpoint, it flies away when you approach it

The first viewpoint is located just past a Campfire and a Wooden Bridge, on top of a big wooden tower

Tip: Most of the time you will be free running (R1/RT) and Edward will climb and go through obstacles almost automatically

Climb to the top of the tower and synchronize with the surrounding

Tip#2: You can jump down from viewpoints quickly by performing a Leap of Faith. Just go forward and leap to the body of hay/bushes/water etc on the ground.

Keep chasing the assassin, cross a wooden log and climb up some wooden ladders and platforms to reach a higher elevation. Soon you will reach a second viewpoint, synchronize with it too.

Tip #3: You should always synchronize with viewpoints as soon as possible, later you can fast travel to those viewpoints

Next Objective[edit]

Kill the Assassin