Mother-Lover, a Campaign of Carnage Side Mission. Will you turn in to Moxxi or Scooter?

Mother-Lover is an optional quest in Mister Torgue's Campaign of Carnage DLC in Borderlands 2

Start Location[edit]

The Beatdown Bounty Board


The Beatdown

Badass Crater Bar


Track Hamhock

Kill Hamhock for Scooter


Kill Gunmen for Moxxi

Turn in Scooter (Badass Crater Bar)


Turn in Moxxi (Badass Crater Bar)


Nobody messes with Scooter's Mama

Kill Hamhock or Scooter's hit men.

Mother-Lover Rewards[edit]

Green Grenade Mod (Moxxi)


Green Class Mod (Scooter)


Bike Gremlin

Road Rioter

Angry Biker

Burner Crusher

Super Badass Maniac

Super Biker Badass


Mission Briefing[edit]

A biker named Hamhock attempted to cop a feel on Scooter's mom, Moxxi. Scooter has ordered you to find Hamhock and take him out.

Upon finding Hamhock, however, Moxxi contacted you and said everything was consensual. She has asked you to instead kill the Gunmen that Scooter hired to kill Hamhock.

Mission Debriefing[edit]

You successfully dealt with what shall unfortunately be referred to as "The Hamhock Situation"

Mother-Lover Walkthrough[edit]

After reaching the first waypoint in Northwest Beatdown, you can choose to do what Moxxi says and kill the Gunmen or what Scooter wants and kill Hamhock. Depending on your decision, your targets are in different places. If you go with Scooter, Hamhock is found in the southwest part of The Beatdown. If you go with Moxxi, the Gunmen are found in the Northeast part of Beatdown, close to the Bounty Board. Finally, Turn in to Scooter or Moxxi, both located at the Badass Crater Bar

Kill Hamhock or Kill Gunmen?[edit]

You have a choice: Kill Hamhock like Scooter says, or kill Gunmen like Moxxi wants.

The Moxxi reward is a green grenade mod:


The Scooter reward is a green class mod such as the Guarded Warden Class Mod

None of these rewards are particularly great, so if you need a class mod listen to Scooter, or if you need a grenade listen to Moxxi. If you don't really need any of those, just turn mission in to your favorite character.