Pick 5 Flowers

"Pick 5 Flowers" is an optional objective in the quest To Grandmother's House We Go in Borderlands 2


Scattered through the Eridium Blight in Mount Hellsfont leading up to Grandma's House. Head on up toward the marker on the top of the hill. Along the way you will find a number of flowers just sitting around that you can grab.

The First Flower sits by the post nearby the fence leading into the next part of the trek toward the house.

Flower 1

The second Flower sits behind the fence just past where you found the first.

Flower 2

The third Flower sits behind the fence nearby the New-U Station

Flower 3

The fourth Flower sits on the Northern side of the Fence that leads up to Handsome Jack's Grandmother's House. Just look on the Northern side of it to find it. It sits about the middle.

Flower 4

The fifth Flower sits just in front of Grandmother's House. Look in the plant after you kill off the Bandits to find it.

Flower 5