Link talking to the Loone in the Great Plateau in LoZ: BotW.

Loone is a character appearing in the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.





Loone: Your skin is so smooth and gorgeous, my little Roscoe...Hm? Someone's watching us? Oh, my sweet Roscoe! You're so shy, aren't you? YES, YOU ARE! Why not proudly show off your beaming beauty, my darling? You really MUST come out of your shell. Hm? The person watching like he wants something? Maybe he's after *GASP* Is he after you?! Don't worry, my sweet Roscoe! I would never ever EVER let you go! I'm head over heels for my special friend who's been around since ancient times! You're so ancient and special, Roscoe! YES, YOU ARE!! Sorry, my sweet Roscoe, I fibbed a little... The truth is... I wanna see Guardians! Flying ones! Small ones! Ones that walk around! I wanna see all the Guardians in all the world! Not the ones around here that have rusted away, either. I wanna see fresh and lively Guardians! If I ever do get to see them... I may just have to leave you, my friend. Oh, but don't you worry! Getting near a Guardian is too dangerous for me. Flying ones, small ones, ones that walk... I'm afraid seeing Guardians like that is nothing more than a dream within a dream for me...

Loone: My sweet Roscoe... Don't you worry, my special friend! I would never ever, EVER let you go. ... Unless, of course, I find a way to see a flying Guardian and a small one and one that walks around.

Link: I'll show them to you.

Loone: Hm? Someone's speaking? You'll show me? A Guardian? Hey, you! Could you please not bother my Roscoe and me? It's not like you can show me a Guardian or anything...That image... That's a flying Guardian! Wow, I feel alive with terror just from gazing at its beautiful form! A small Guardian! Awww, it looks so vicious for its tiny size! Adorable!! Hold on... If you've been able to show me two types, then that must mean... A walking Guardian! I can't believe it! Nothing could be more dangerous! What an exhilaratingly scary sight! Phew... What a joy. Hey, you! Give me that box, OK?! I wanna look at those images every single day!

Link: I can't do that.

Loone: You can't? I see... How unfortunate. I guess I'll just have to burn those images into my imagination. Hm? Oh, you mean Roscoe? Sure, that weird sphere this all yours. Really, I'm over it. Yeah, I'm all about Guardians now! If I close my eyes, I can see them in my imagination! It's glorious!
