A Pinger locks on to its target

The Pinger is a large, tripod Ceph enemy in Crysis 3.


The Pinger is an incredibly tough enemy to face down.

Its armor can withstand multiple hits from RPGs, much less bullets from Prophet's guns.

These enemies scan for Prophet in the environment, and once they find him they will lock on with automated machine guns and rockets.

How to Kill A Pinger[edit]

Pingers may be tough, but like all Ceph enemeis in Crysis 3, they do have weaknesses.

Ceph Pinger Weak Spot[edit]

The Pinger has a large weak spot on its back.

This is indicated by the glowing red orb-like power core in the back of its conal armor.

In order to hit this point, you will have to slink around behind the Pinger and hit it from behind, a tough feat given that it is always scanning for you.

Use of the Cloak Mode is highly encouraged here.