Cyberpunk 2077: Go to Mikhail Akulov's penthouse - Fixer, Merc, Soldier, Spy

From Orcz
Go to Mikhail Akulov's penthouse is an objective in Cyberpunk 2077 (Cyberpunk2077).

Go to Mikhail Akulov's penthouse is an objective in the Gig, Fixer, Merc, Soldier, Spy in Cyberpunk 2077


  • Inside the elevator, interact with the panel and select Floor 21: Apartments.
  • After that, just wait for the elevator car to arrive at the destination floor.
  • Once there, step outside the car and head over to the right.
  • There are a few ways into the apartment and to your target.
  • The easiest way through is to head out to the right and through the double-glass door.
  • Climb up the trellis and get up onto the patio outside the targeted apartment.
