Follow the NERO researcher is an objective in Days Gone (DaysGone).

Follow the NERO researcher is an objective in the Story Mission, They're Not Sleeping in Days Gone


  • Having reached the top of the hill, Deacon can see the NERO soldiers and a Researcher dropping into the area.
  • He wants to know what is happening, and to do that, you will need to get closer.
  • Call up the item wheel and select the Rock distraction.
  • Head down the road to the South carefully to avoid drawing the attention of the nearby NERO officer.
  • When you reach the end of the rock and before the tree.
  • Throw the rock just past the NERO Soldier to distract them and ensure you can easily slip past him between the rock and the tree.
  • Jump over the fence and then start sneaking up to the North staying close to the rocks.
  • Slip into the bushes next to the large rock face and start moving very slowly through them.
  • Watch for the patrolling NERO Soldier and wait for them to be heading to the Northeast.
  • Continue to the North and then go to the right of the footbridge, slipping into the bushes there.
  • Go around the tip of the rock and slip into the bushes below the footbridge.
  • Sneak quietly under the footbridge and make your way toward the cave entrance.
  • Get close enough that Deacon can hear what the people are talking about inside the cave.
