Gravekeeper Ragequin at the end of the Tutorial Dungeon in Divinity: Original Sin

Ragequin is a boss in Divinity: Original Sin


Tutorial Dungeon
Tutorial Dungeon

Grouped with[edit]

Awakened Archer
Awakened Archer x2

Transforms into[edit]

Ragequin's Ghost
Ragequin's Ghost


Ragequin: A living rat dares disturb the slumber of the dead! A thieving fool insults the sanctity of the grave! The Blood Stone, defiler: where is it?


1. Who are you?

2. Blood Stone? 1 know not what you mean.

3. 1 met a trio of strange, robed men before the entrance of this tomb; they seemed to have a precious stone in their possession.

4. I'll take my leave.

Choose 3

Ragequin: Strange, indeed! Robed, indeed! Your tricks will not save you from retribution, deceiver! The Blood Stone: Deliver it now, and I may deign to end you quickly.


1. Who are you?

2. Blood Stone? I know not what you mean.

3. I'll take my leave.

Choose 1

Ragequin: In life, I toiled to care for these holy grounds. In death, I protect them from profaners and poachers. The legacy of Cyseal is mine to preserve; her traitors are mine to destroy!


1. Blood Stone? I know not what you mean.

2. I'll take my leave.

Choose 1

Ragequin: I suppose you only crept among these sacred tombs for leisure? I suppose you had no lust for the treasure of the dead? Hah!

Me: I'll take my leave.

Ragequin: Run if you like, defiler; whichever way you take leads you to the grave.


  • Ragequin is most likely the first boss-type enemy you will encounter in the game.