Harbinger is a Dota 2 Character, one of the playable heroes in the game.

Harbinger is a Playable Character in Dota 2.

Harbinger is a Intelligence Dire Hero

The full name of this character is "Harbinger the Outworld Devourer".

Harbinger's Abilities

Harbinger is a Ranged hero who possesses the following abilities: Arcane Orb, Astral Imprisonment, Essence Aura, Sanity's Eclipse

Harbinger's Roles

You can use Harbinger in various roles, including Farmer, Ganker, Nuker, Disabler, Brawler, Carry,

Additional Info

For more information, including stats and attributes, see:

Harbinger the Outworld Devourer

For item suggestions for this character, see:

Suggested Items for Harbinger