The Skull Trooper Outfit in Fortnite BR. You can buy it from the Cash Store for 1,200 vbucks.

Skull Trooper is the name of one of the outfits in Fortnite Battle Royale.

It was introduced as part of the Fortnitemares Update and is a weekly item for the week of Halloween.


A black and white skull costume

This is a cosmetic item used to customize your character's appearance.

How to get

Purchase it from the Cash Shop.


12000 V-Bucks



  • Equip the Skull Trooper outfit in the Locker before the match.
  • The only epic skin that costs 1200 V-Bucks.
  • Price might increase to 1500 V-Bucks if it returns to the shop since original price was a sale price. Most Epic Outfits are priced at 1500 V-Bucks.