Floated Gwen's Head is a rare pistol in Borderlands 2

Floated Gwen's Head is a blue unique Pistol in Borderlands 2

Stats for sample level 50 Floated Gwen's Head Gun below. You could get a different Gwen's Head pistol on your level. There are also different variations such as the React Gwen's Head

Gwen's Head is found in a box near Ellie's Workshop (Also can be found behind the dumpster where you fight Mick Zaford) and when you get it you can hear Handsome Jack ask "What's in the box?"

This is an Easter Egg, a reference to the movie Se7en. Also when doing burst fire, it does rounds of 7 bullets instead of 3.

Main Attributes[edit]

Rarity: Blue (Rare)

Type: Pistol

Level Requirement: 50

Manufacturer: Dahl

Value: $16,285

Weapon Stats[edit]

Damage: 6605

Accuracy: 94.7

Fire Rate: 12.5

Reload Speed: 1.5

Magazine Size: 19

Electrocute Dmg/Sec: 3605.9

Chance to Shock: 12.0%

Status Effects and Other Bonuses[edit]

"Thinking outside the box." (red text effect)

Burst Fire while zoomed

+38% Critical Hit Damage

Highly Effective Vs Shields