Magic Slaughter: Round 5

"Magic Slaughter Round 5" is the side quest from Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep DLC in Borderlands 2

Mission Type[edit]

Side Mission (DLC4) (Optional Mission)

Start location[edit]

Murderlin's Temple

How to start[edit]

Speak to Murderlin then pull the Lever O' Magic to begin the rounds of Slaughter


Murderlin's Temple

Forgotten Temple


Gather at the Lever O' Magic

Pull the Lever O' Magic

Survive round 5

Complete waves 0/5

TURN IN: Murderlin


Money, XP Purple SMG: Orc

Mission Briefing[edit]

The slaughter concludes!

Mission Debriefing[edit]

Survive the Magic Slaughter's final round.

You've done it! Now you have the option of trying the repeatable badass round!


Head to the Lever O' Magic after accepting the quest from Murderlin. It is marked on your map. From there, you must survive 5 waves in the circle of slaughter.


Murderlin the Wizard: "Are you ready for the FINAL-ISH ROUND?!"

Pull the Lever O' Magic:

Murderlin: "The Magic Slaughter COMMENCES!"

Murderlin: "Fight I say!"

Murderlin: "Now watch as I pull a MASSACRE out of my hat!"

Murderlin: "Abraca-MAGIC!"

Round 1 Completion:

Murderlin: "You are not even CLOSE to done yet! I hope this statement has not DEMORALIZED YOU!"

Murderlin: "You have only begun. Keep that pace!"

Murderlin: "You've barely started yet. Conserve your strength!"

ound 2 Completion:

Murderlin: "Fifty percent complete! Do not disappoint me!"

Murderlin: "Half way done!"

Murderlin: "You are halfway there! Shame there is no rounding up in MAGIC!"

Round 3 Completion:

Murderlin: "You are nearly complete!"

Murderlin: "Not much more now! Don't give up!"

Murderlin: You are nearly done! To die now would be TRAGIC AND UPSETTING!"

Round 4 Completion:

Murderlin: "VICTORYYYYYY!"

Murderlin: "You are alive. We must PARLEY!"

Murderlin: "COMPLETION! Return to me -- AT ONCE!"


Murderlin: "WOE IS YOU!"

Murderlin: "Tragedy!"

Murderlin: "What a tragic FAILURE!"

Turn in:

Murderlin: "You! Are! LEGENDARY!"