The Crota Challenge is added in Age of Triumph to the Crota's End.
No one Guardian can hold the Hive Blade twice.
Fighting Crota[edit]
Taking on Crota
The Presence of Crota will begin to affect the fireteam as soon as his summoning begins. Throughout the battle, he will move around the area he starts in. He can loose blasts similar to that of Wizards (his Arc Bolts). He can also attack with his very deadly sword.
Another attack Crota has is summoning his Oversoul. This is a massive ball of energy. After a short delay Crota will slam it into the arena, killing off the party. This attack is triggered by the fall of any fireteam member. He will also employ it if his enrage timer runs out. He will then start to use this attack with notably increased frequency.
There are more enemies that will appear throughout the area. In the top left and right of the arena, Knight with Hive Boomers will appear and rain shots down on the party. Take them out when the party is having some trouble.
To defeat the Son of Oryx, it takes a high level of coordination. One person must be armed with a Hive Sword. Once they are, the rest of the team needs to concentrate their fire with Heavy Weapons on Crota. Once the shield on Crota is down, the Swordbearer needs to rush in and perform at least 1 combo on Crota. He will only be kneeling for around 5 seconds before he stands and his shield regenerates. Only with the Hive Sword can any Guardian wound Crota.
Just like earlier in this raid, you need to obtain the Hive Sword by killing a Swordbearer. The Guardian who takes the sword should know (or be told) the position they need to be in. Ideally, this is just out of Crota's sight. As soon as the barrage begins on Crota and the shield goes down, the Swordbearing Guardian must move in and begin attacking.
Be warned about the Swordbearers. For every pair that you take out, some Ogres will appear. They must be killed before more Swordbearers will appear.
Swordbearer Guardian[edit]
It is recommended, over your raid experience, that everyone gets a chance to be the swordbearer. It is suggested that this happens just so people get a feel for the timer. This just makes it easier for clans and Fireteams to coordinate and get the most damage they can in on Crota.
To defeat the Son of Oryx, it takes a high level of coordination. One person must be armed with a Hive Sword. Once they are, the rest of the team needs to concentrate their fire with Heavy Weapons on Crota. Once the shield on Crota is down, the Swordbearer needs to rush in and perform at least 1 combo on Crota. He will only be kneeling for around 5 seconds before he stands and his shield regenerates. Only with the Hive Sword can any Guardian wound Crota.
Just like earlier in this raid, you need to obtain the Hive Sword by killing a Swordbearer. The Guardian who takes the sword should know (or be told) the position they need to be in. Ideally, this is just out of Crota's sight. As soon as the barrage begins on Crota and the shield goes down, the Swordbearing Guardian must be at Crota and begin attacking.