“Draksis, Winter Kell” is a Kell of the Fallen of their House of Winter.
Shrapnel Launcher
This is a huge Captain for you to be doing with. He likes to teleport around so be wary of that. Thankfully, in most encounters he does not have a shield but is very durable and can withstand a tremendous amount of punishment.
The Kell won't start attack you until you are well inside the room. If you start shooting him from a distance, he will start moving and attacking you though. Take advantage of this to clear out some of the Dregs in the front left or to weaken the 2 Kell's Guard that are protecting him.
This fight breaks down into a few parts. They are largely defined by the adds that appear when Draksis calls them in. The first round isn't too bad. Draksis sends in a number of Shanks. The second summoning brings in Stealth Vandals (Melee). This is the more dangerous wave as they are actively seeking you out. The good news is when you kill Draksis, all remaining fallen will simply vanish.
If you are having trouble, running is the best thing you can do. There is a lot of cover to be found in the area. Getting into the lower area of the Throne room affords you some great cover and a good place to rest and cover for a moment. The middle area has some parts that you can duck behind but Draksis tends to be around here more. In the upper area, you can hide behind the throne itself but be warned: the door behind you is where more enemies enter.
There are one or two Explosive Containers in the area. If you need to take out a number of enemies quickly, find one and lure them over to it. It doesn't take much to blow it up and them along with it.