Talk to Tillrani Snow-Bourne, one of the quest tasks in ESO

"Talk to Tillrani Snow-Bourne" is a quest objective/task in the quest Sparking the Flame in The Elder Scrolls Online


Having made it through the Covenant Guard assigned to the Bleakrock Signal Tower, it is time to visit Tillrani Snow-Bourne


Sparking the Flame


Bleakrock Village


Head back down the hill to the entry gate. There you will find Tillrani Snow-Bourne slumped against the wall



Too many. There were just too many.

The signal fire is lit, Tillrani. What happened?[edit]

The Covenant is here. They set fire to the village.

Narrland and I tried to protect the Earth-Turner family and the rest of the farmers.

Where are they?[edit]

Denskar headed to the bunkhouse. Aera tried to take shelter in my home. Then the soldiers set fires, laughing.

Please, you have to get water. Save our people! I came to warn you, but the troops ... they caught up to me.

Take it easy. How can I help you?[edit]

You can't. Don't come back for me. Just get Aera, Denskar, Littrek, and Trynhild. I didn't see where they went.

Rana's at the old tomb. Tell her ... tell her I forgive her.

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