Pneumatic weapons in Metro: Last Light

Pneumatic weapons are a type of weapon exclusive to the Metro series, and they return in Metro: Last Light.

How Pneumatic Weapons Work[edit]

Pneumatic weapons sprung up after the nuclear war on the surface of Russia wiped out much of the technology.

Weaponry in the Metro doesn't always have the power to fire bullets out of guns in the post-apocalyptic Metro. That's why Pneumatic weapons sprung up.

Pneumatic weapons are powered by air pressure, and fire out bullets using compressed air to project the bullets at deadly speed. This means that the player must keep the pneumatic tank on the back of the weapon constantly at high pressure. This is done by pumping the gun periodically.

How to Pump Pneumatic Weapons[edit]

Artyom can pump his guns by holding the reload button and pressing the fire button repeatedly to pump.

This is done by holding R and clicking LMB on PC, or by holding down X or Square to reload and then mashing the fire trigger.