Secure the lobby is an objective in the Division.

Secure the lobby is an objective in Madison Field Hospital Mission in the Division.


Head to the East from the now open entrance of the Madison Field Hospital. Go through the entryway and turn to the Southeast.

Secure the lobby - Madison Field Hospital Mission

This leads to an escalator that can lead up to the second level. There are at least 3 Rioters inside you need to deal with. They will come down the escalator. Take cover with the escalator in sight. Take out one quickly then focus on the remainder quickly.

Secure the lobby - Madison Field Hospital Mission

A few more Rioters will come down the escalator after you kill off most of the ones there. Go toward and start up the escalator. Just be on guard for more Rioters at the top of the escalator. Take them out to move things forward.

Secure the lobby - Madison Field Hospital Mission
