Create a distraction

"Create a distraction" is a mission objective in Freedom Cry in A Ship Of His Own


Follow the prompts to use the Firecrackers. You can either kill the guards or just let them live and move on. Either way you want to enter the Restricted Area to the West. Start toward the marker you can see in that direction. Throw down Firecrackers as you head out toward the pier to avoid being noticed. Once there head over to the ladies that are nearby. be sure to also tag the Gunner in the Tower with a Sleep Dart so you can move around for a while without being noticed by him.

Head over to the gunpowder and send the ladies in to distract the guards. Grab the gunpowder and head over to the tower. Set the keg to ignite then duck into the nearby Stalking Zone to avoid being noticed by the patrolling guards.

Next Objective[edit]

Reach the top of the mast to light the signal