Arch-Mage Shalidor, one of the quest tasks in Long Lost Lore

"" is a quest objective/task in the quest Long Lost Lore in The Elder Scrolls Online


I've successfully summoned Arch-Mage Shalidor with the help of Valaste


Long Lost Lore


Mages Guild


Approach the figure that has appeared in front of you. This is Arch-Mage Shalidor



I can sense ... yes. The aura around you slows with good fortune. You will be the one to help me complete my final task.

Why me?[edit]

What I hope to accomplish is difficult. Perhaps impossible. It will require great strength of spirit!

I sense this strength in you. That is what drew us together in the ruins.

What is this task?[edit]

A storm rages toward us, Adept. War has come to Tamriel, and the Mgaes of this great guild must have quarter.

I intend to offer them a safe haven. A sanctuary where they may study in peace.

How do we create this sanctuary?[edit]

I created that sanctuary, centries ago! It was stolen from me by an agent of chaos, and magically transported to the Shivering Isles.

To recover the island we must locate four hidden tomes. This is the take of which I speak.

Where are these tome?[edit]

They're being held in a place known as ... Cheesemonger's Hollow. It is a realm of the Mad God, Sheogorath. Stand by my side, and I will open a portal.

I'll stand with you, Shalidor.[edit]

Be careful. Sheogorath is not to be taken lightly. I lost the sanctuary because of his nimble tongue and mad stare.

Shalidor, why have you returned?[edit]

"Nimble tongue?"[edit]

Who is Sheogorath?[edit]
