
“Paarthurnax” is an optional Main Story Quest in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

You get “Paarthurnax” during the quest “The Fallen”.


Throat of the World

Avoiding Slaying Paathurnax[edit]

There are only a few ways to keep aligned with the Blades and keep Paathurnax alive. After completing Alduin's Wall talk with Skyrim: Delphine. She will give you the optional objective to find followers. The Blades will continue to work with you until are tasked with reading the Elder Scroll at the Throat of the World. Use this time to complete their quests so you can avoid killing Paarthurnax without losing anything from them.


Head on up to the top of the Throat of the World. There you will approach the mentor of the Greybeards and attack him. Using Dragonrend Thu'um is very useful as it forces him down into the narrow ground area on the Throat of the World.

Challenging Paarthurnax

Now you must fight the centuries old dragon. Use your favorite shouts, spells and weapons. He is not much more difficult than a slightly higher level dragon. Expect to encounter Fire Breath, the usual biting and swipes and a few more Dragon Shouts.

Fighting Paarthurnax

Another useful trick is to get him talking then exit the conversation while he is on a rant. Use this time to start attacking Paarthurnax. It is a great way to get a good start on him.