Protect power station in Battleborn.

"Protect power station" is an objective in The Experiment in Battleborn


The first wave starts easily enough with a number of Jennerit forces from the North, East and West. You will be encountering a lot of Robotic Minions with MX.Ronin

Protect power station - The Experiment

Have the team divide between the East and Western sides. Each should defend a path up to the middle Power Station.

Protect power station - The Experiment

Have at least one person moving between the two sides. They should help with fighting all of the various robots.

Protect power station - The Experiment

The second wave will have more Jennerit Warp Anchors. This means there will be a lot more Thralls in this wave. This means you will be going against Thrall Gunners, Primal Thrall and Thrall Brutes. Get through this wave and you will be all done here.

Protect power station - The Experiment
