Skyrim Dragonborn: Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

From Orcz
Clear the Draugr from Kolbjorn Barrow during Unearthed in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn.

"Clear the Draugr from Kolbjorn Barrow" is an objective in the side quest "Unearthed" in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn.


Head down into the barrow once more. There is a pair of Draugr just inside the barrow, patrolling the entrance that you will need to deal with this time. Kill it and head into the first chamber.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

Once again, more Draugr are to be found along the sides of the room. You will want to defeat them all to make your life a bit easier. There is also another Draugr Deathlord that will be approaching from the back of the room. Be ready for a big fight here.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

In the second chamber, stay on the upper level and head across the walkway to the West. In this new chamber you will find another Draugr waiting for you. Deal with it. It is time to start the second for the next Relic of Azhalid to open the way forward.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

Turn to the South, away where you found Ahzidal's Ring of Necromancy, down the slope. Turn to the West at the base of the ramp.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

Going to the West you will encounter a sarcophagus against the wall that will open. From it will emerge a Draugr Deathlord. Be on your guard.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

Defeat it and turn to the Northeast. Head down the short hallway into the next burial chamber. Turn to the Right there and then make a left turn. You will be facing another Draugr. Defeat it.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

Down this Northeastern turn, against the Eastern wall you will find another Pull Chain. Using it will open a nearby chamber with Ahzidal's Gauntlets of Warding.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

To claim Ahzidal's Gauntlets of Warding, turn back to the South and then head East.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

Go to the Northeast from there and into the newly opened door. Ahzidal's Gauntlets of Warding are sitting on the pedestal in that room.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

Taking Ahzidal's Gauntlets of Warding will open the door to the South of where you are. Go on through it and open the door to the left of the chain you pulled to reach the gauntlets.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

On the other side of door you will encounter a trip wire. Either activate it from the safety of the doorway or jump over it. This will trigger a dead fall of boulders on the stairs. You can use this to deal with the pair of Draugr that are at the base of the stairs. Either way, you will need to deal with the draugr.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

Head on down the stairs and turn to the right at the bottom off the stairs. Go up the stairs there and open the door. You will find more Draugr but also a puzzle to solve.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

In the back of the room you will find Draugr that are coming after you. In the middle of the room is a massive puzzle that you will need to solve after you deal with the undead. There are a few more Draugr that will appear from the Eastern side of the room after you have defeated the initial pair.

Avoid stepping on the panels in the middle of this room to make sure that you have an easy time with the puzzle and will not need to do anything too difficult with it.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

To solve this puzzle, without retracing your steps, you will need to light up each panel in the middle of this chamber. There are a few ways to do this. First, you can run across each row to light them up. You can also run across the rows two at a time to trigger more of them at once.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

With all the floor panels lit up then a gate on the Eastern side will open. Head inside this small chamber.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed

There is the pedestal that has Ahzidal's Ring of Arcana. Jump over the water to it to claim your prize. There are some useful items at the bottom of this pool of water. You can dive down to collect them or use the spell Telekinesis to quickly retrieve them.

Clear the Draugr from kolbjorn barrow - Unearthed
