The Mission Objective Mesh Layers Deactivated in Destiny.

“Defend your Ghost as it hacks into the Mesh Generator.”


Time to defend the Ghost hacking the Mesh Generator. The first wave you are going against is Fallen. You will see a lot of Dregs and Shanks, some Vandals, and a few Captains. It is a good idea to stay near the Mesh Generator. There is plenty of cover and the high ground offers a number of advantages. This is not a small wave so be ready for a long fight here. When the wave has ended, you'll hear your Ghost talk about this system being wired to something.

The second wave is much nicer. Immediately you will need to deal with a few Stealth Vandals. They are very hard to see so watch carefully for the distortion they cause. Keep on the move and deal with them as you best can. This section seems timed rather than enemy based. Your Ghost will tell you that more Fallen and Hive are on their way.

The final section is where things can get brutal. You are up against both the Fallen and the Hive this time. You will see all the same Fallen. From the Hive: Acolytes, Knights, and 3 Wizards. The second and third Wizard will replace the first after it is defeated.

There are a few things to do during this wave. While engaging in combat, keep on the move. Avoid Sniping unless you are far back or behind some good cover. The second is to keep the various bits of cover in the upper area in mind. The Mesh Grids have been deactivated to a degree so you can duck into that hallway. There is another hallway behind the Mesh Generator. The Generator itself offers some good cover as well. Close to the end, you will see Shanks fly in from the right-hand side of the room. These are very easy to shoot down or to just melee. These are followed by more Stealth Vandals, a Captain, Vandals and even more Dregs. You will also encounter Naksis, Devil Baron. This is a very strong (and durable Captain. Defeat him and his immediate squad and the barrier will drop. The Guardians will be able to move on.
