The Titan's neutron mines can slow enemies down.

This is a tutorial on how to properly use Titan in LawBreakers.

This Titan guide is based on the dev tutorial video.


The Titan class is all about area damage. Great at going against multiple enemies at once. His rockets deal splash damage, he's got the lightning gun that's going to arc to nearby enemies, and you've got your neutron mine which is great at slowing enemies in an area.

So all-around, great at area damage, great at taking on multiple enemies at once.


Hammerhead Rocket Launcher: Your bread-and-butter weapon. Your primary fire is going to fire rockets dealing damage on impact, a pretty generous radius and a high amount of damage.

The alt-fire can be used to remote detonate the rocket. Generally you want to fire at people's feet to get that splash damage, but if targets are in the air in zero-g, you can fire above them or behind them and then use that alt fire to remote detonate and get a little bit of that splash.

Crisper Chain Lightning Gun: A hitscan beam weapon that deals damage over time. It regenerates ammo. When you hold down on the trigger its going to start spending ammo, and when you let go after a short delay, it's going to start to regenerate. so if you feather it or are careful about it, you pretty much never have to reload this thing.

The shots from the Crisper gun also chains to nearby targets. So if you roll up on a group of enemies that are clustered up, the damage will chain to all of them. So you can really light them all up and take on multiple enemies at once.


The Hammerhead Rocket Launcher is great as a mobility tool. You can do a typical style rocket jump. You can also do a blind fire rocket shot while jumping. You can get a really good amount of distance on that thing, especially in zero-g. You're going to want to use that blind fire for crossing the map really fast. Get into zero-g, blind fire a couple times, combo into the pulverize boom across the map but obviously have to spend some ammo and have to spend some health with the explosions.

Pulverize is good for closing the gap and getting up close with your lightning gun, or also just smashing people.

Pulverize deals damage on impact in an area. If you see a bunch of enemies clustered up it's great to pulverize into the middle of them and start lighting them up with your lightning gun.

Neutron Mine ability

The Neutron Mine is great for objective control and zone control. Typically what you want to do is throw this in a choke point in which enemies are not necessarily going to see it. It'll stick to surfaces, and when it gets triggered, affected enemies will get slowed down for a duration.

When the enemy is slowed, it makes it a lot easier for you to line up your rocket, so it's great for contesting objectives, and just general zone control.

One thing to note is that the neutron mine can be destroyed before it triggers. If you throw it out, enemies can see that blinking light and destroy it, just like that.

Ultimate Berserk

Berserk is what you want to use if you get surrounded by enemies or otherwise end up in a bad spot. You pop this thin and gain a massive amount of bonus health and damage.

Berserk is one of the highest damage abilities in the game. So if you get surrounded by multiple people you're going to want to pop that thing, get into the middle of them and just light them up at that lightning, super high amount of damage, and it's got a pretty long duration on there too.

Strategy Guide/Tips

  • Keep in mind, if you use rocket jumps, you will take a little damage.
  • Get up there! Pulverize can also be used as a mobility tool to reach ledges.
  • You're it! You can aslo tag your teammates with the Neutron Mine.
  • It's electrifying! deploying Berserk will result in increased size and health.

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