The Dark Below is the first full expansion for Destiny. It features 3 new Story Missions to be completed. It has a new Strike and a new Raid as well. It adds numerous pieces of new Exotic Weapons and Armor for all classes.

Access banner

The Dark Below Awaits

New People

Eris Morn: Crota's Bane
Eris Morn: Crota's Bane

New Story Missions

These are presented as Quest Steps. Each helps along the story as you attack and destroy the disciples of Crota. The whole story is broken into multiple segments.

The Rise of Crota

Fist of Crota
Fist of Crota
Siege of the Warmind
Siege of the Warmind
The Wakening
The Wakening

Pages in category "Destiny The Dark Below"

The following 119 pages are in this category, out of 119 total.


D cont.

D cont.